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  • Gilson HM-90 & HM-91 DSR

    Gilson Dynamic Shear Rheometers (DSR) classify asphalt binders based on their resistance to damage from age, temperature, and mechanical forces over a wide temperature range. DSR’s are particularly important in characterizations of polymer-modified, performance graded (PG) binders used in modern Superpave mix designs. HM-90 SmartPave l DSR is designed for everyday QC testing and is supplied without the Peltier temperature controlled hood. This cost-effective model does not fully meet ASTM and AASHTO requirements for total temperature control. HM-91 SmartPave ll DSR is also configured for routine QC testing but fully complies with current ASTM and AASHTO requirements for temperature control of the testing environment.
    Gilson HM-90 SmartPave Dynamic Shear Rheometer
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    Gilson HM-91 SmartPave Dynamic Shear Rheometer      Get Pricing      Get Information

  • Humboldt SmartPave Dynamic Shear Rheometers (DSR)

    Humboldt SmartPave Dynamic Shear Rheometers (DSR) classify asphalt binders based on their resistance to damage from age, temperature, and mechanical forces over a wide temperature range. DSR’s are particularly important in the characterization of polymer-modified, performance graded (PG) binders used in modern Superpave mix designs. A disc-shaped binder sample is confined between two parallel plates and subjected to horizontal oscillation to determine dynamic shear properties. The HA-1700.3F cost-effective model does not fully meet ASTM and AASHTO requirements for total temperature control. The HA-1701.3F is also configured for routine QC testing, but fully complies with current ASTM and AASHTO requirements for temperature control of the testing environment.
    Humboldt HA-1700.3F Dynamic Shear Rheometers
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    Humboldt HA-1701.3F Dynamic Shear Rheometers      Get Pricing      Get Information

  • Forney LA-2801-01 Dynamic Shear Rheometer

    The Forney LA-2801-01 Mechanical Bearing Model Dynamic shear rheometers have been used since 1993 when Superpave was used for characterising and understanding high temperature rheological properties of asphalt binders in both the molten and solid state and is fundamental in order formulate the chemistry and predict the end-use performance of these materials. This is done by deriving the complex modulus (G*) from the storage modulus (elastic response, G') and loss modulus (viscous behaviour, G") yielding G* as a function of stress over strain. It is used to characterize the viscoelastic behavior of asphalt binders at intermediate temperatures from 10° to 150 °C (50° to 302 °F).
    Forney LA-2801-01 Mechanical Bearing (DSR)
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  • Forney LA-2802 Dynamic shear rheometers

    The Forney LA-2802 Designed to meet the needs of most QC/QA laboratories. Torque range for viscometry and oscillation is 100nNm to 150mNm, and normal force range is 0.01N to 20N. Temperature range controlled by the Active Hood cartridge is 0° to 150°C with 0.005° resolution (32° to 302°F with 0.009° resolution). Stability is ±0.03°C (0.05°F). Advanced modular design, allowing configuration of models specifically meeting current ASTM and AASHTO requirements for asphalt binder tests. Standard operating modes of the DSR include direct strain control, shear rate control and shear stress control with operation in steady, dynamic and transient loading modes.
    Forney LA-2802 Dynamic shear rheometers
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