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    Fully automated pull-off adhesion testers for concrete strength testing. The quality of concrete repairs is determined by the adhesive strength between the repair material and the substrate. Pull-off testing is the most widely used test method to assess bond strength. The Proceq DY-2 family of automated pull-off testers covers the complete range of pull-off applications with unmatched ease of operation and the ability to store a complete record of the test. The Proceq DY-2, with its integrated feedback controlled motor, provides a regulated load rate as specified by all standards, thereby providing a fully automated test for the most repeatable results. This precision instrument is lightweight for easy operation, even on walls and overhead.
    Proceq DY-225 25 kN (5620 lbf) pull-off tester
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    Proceq DY-216 16 kN (3597 lbf) pull-off tester
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    Proceq DY-206 6 kN (1349 lbf) pull-off tester
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    16 kN measurement capacity apparatus is used for determining of bond/pull-off strenght of repair mortar, hardened rendering, plastering, etc. The apparatus is basically a dynamometer fitted with a load cell and high resolution digital display unit. The direct tensile force is applied by rotating the hand wheel.
    UTEST UTC-3250 bond strength pull-off tester
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